Sonia brings the most relevant channelled messages through clear guidance from creator consciousness for each individual.

All sessions include channelled guidance, & modalities required through conduit e.g. quantum kinesiology & hypnotherapy, QHHT methods, scalar/biofield energy frequencies, sound, energy work & on, depending body read.


The soul responds to the release of interference. This naturally raises the frequency & many reach a clear, balanced & healthy version of themselves in a very timely manner. Bringing a sense of calm, empowerment & well being that lasts, in fact, it gets stronger as time goes by.



Your Guided Session – BY-PHONE – 1 hr @ $260 per session.  Deep session to bring balance to your entire being. Using soul alignment through channelled guidance, quantum kinesiology, hypnotherapy, biofield/scalar frequencies & on. Sessions are specific to guidance, wellbeing, health, joy, peace, abundance & clearings for home, business & on. 




Healing vibration is not limited by space, time, or distance.

The soul responds to the release of interference. It naturally raises our frequency & then all we desire exists, with no efforting. We can only perceive that which we are in vibration with & we can be there now.

Sessions integrate science, oriental medicine, bio-feedback information, quantum kinesiology, hypnotherapy, scalar/biofield frequencies & channelled therapy to identify & correct physiological, structural, chemical, mental, emotional, nutritional, subtle energy blockages, stressors & energetic imbalances.




Sessions include thorough & effective treatments that unblock, expand, declutter & address three mind agreement.

Methods that relax & reset the central nervous system.

Techniques that create rapid change due to releasing the root cause rather than focussing on the symptom.

Private sessions are perfect for bringing clarity, peace, creating a conscious connection with Source whilst seeking personal information, answers, energy therapy & balance.




Sonia is a global Channeller & Psychic who is sort out by other healers for balance, who connects with the wisdom from your higher self, guides & attends to your soul requirements during session.

The merge offers respite from the mundane belief systems, fears & interference into a clear, peaceful & joyful remembrance of what’s possible to achieve.

Experience a loving connection with multi-dimensional energy, & creator consciousness.




Every soul has a unique divine path & your channelled intuitive session is read through your body, mind, emotional & etheric fields.

Cellular changes are effected by consciousness. Opening up to the oversoul, which carries your blueprints, allows your design for Wellbeing. In summary, sessions empower your return to your original creator intended design, a reboot!

All Sessions are By-Phone

(By-Sleep Sessions are suitable for in-utero, newborns, children, the hospitalised, severe illness, surgery, coma’s, emergencies, elderly, current passings, agoraphobic, time zone/phone restricted & pets. All else by-phone sessions are best.)






Sonia |  Founder of CLARITY CENTRE QLD

Quantum Kinesiology & Hypnotherapy, Channeller, Intuitive & Psychic, since 1995.

Also EFT, Biofield Sound Therapy, QHHT, Akashic Readings, Energy Work (Radionics, Rife, Scalar, Pellowah & Reiki) & Clearings (Home, Business, Personal). All modalities used are  dependent on individual requirements & body read ..(testimonials below)


Book your private personal channelled intuitive therapy session below…




Everything is energy & that’s all there is to it.  Match the frequency of the reality you want & you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not a philosophy, this is physics. Einstein.




Today I experienced a quantum healing session with Sonia at the Clarity Centre QLD, and to say it is life changing is an under statement. I didn’t know what to expect from the session, it was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. To put it in context I am a professional hypnotist, transformational coach and healer myself. It reminded me of the power hypnosis has when it comes to healing, the quantum level is another realm. If you are stuck, or want to release old patterns go and see Sonia. Her passion, attention to detail and professionalism shine through, I couldn’t believe how cheap it was for such a powerful healing that lasted as long as it did. Nick Slavery


Well that was just amazing! I didn’t even expect to get an Akashic reading, you tapped straight in & pulled every question I didn’t even know I had, all answered by end of session. So grateful. I’m gobsmacked & feel incredible, this is addictive, hahaha xx. Kels


I am so grateful to Sonia for sharing her gifts with me today. She helped me identify and release emotions which alone would have been worth it. She then patiently worked my entire body using muscle monitoring to clear negative energy, identifying what each blockage was & it’s source. I was blown away at how skillfully Sonia was able to tap into my needs today. It’s not only great to feel the shift within myself but also to now be more aware of the source of many of my burdens. By addressing one key goal today, we cleared the pathway for me to step into my true greatness. I can’t wait to move onto more with Sonia! Regina Gleeson


Thank You Sonia – Wow, Wow, Wow – that was huge – I’m still buzzing and the house / space feels so alive but peaceful! You are the first practitioner for me that has really made this journey / therapy / experience fun and that’s exactly what I was looking for. I have started reading through all the links & will reclaim my free will & drop my karma today. I’m really looking forward to working with you again and will be in touch to book another session. Thank You – I’m so excited and haven’t felt that way for far too long! Alley


OMGosh! THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for yesterday! I’m deeply grateful! I’ve known for a while I’m shifting & growing; just didn’t know where. I love this clarity! Yesterday was huge & amazing! Soooo grateful! Karen Terrace


Just wanted to let you know of the huge turn around with Jessie in the last 48 hours. During his remote session, he was making a few noises and moving around a bit, then he called out for me, I felt concern. Then after your session, the next day, he was extreme … irritable, sensitive, demanding, irrational, just over the top. His usual behaviour yet exaggerated. Then suddenly he calmed, he walked up to me & asked if we could take turns telling each other how much we love each other. He shared things he was grateful for about me. It was so beautiful & special. He put his hands on my shoulders & looked so sweetly into my face & shared the most beautiful sentiments. Then he just kept sharing more & more & more with me… so so many… so much love… until I fell asleep with him gazing into my face so beautifully. Ever since he has been so happy. Such a shift in him, it’s unexplainable & as I write this now I am looking at him now with amazement. I am so grateful, this is precious, thank you for your support, kindness & patience in helping us with Jess.  Kelly, Jeff & Jessie



Hi Sonia, I wanted to thank you for awakening me. Since I first met you, my life has finally had purpose & meaning. I am so much more aware of this journey. You have changed my life. Blessings to you & your loved ones. You are in my prayers every single night. Alex.


I had a session with Sonia and it was an amazing experience. Her kind approach made me at ease & I felt safe to open up & to get answers to my questions. Its hard to explain but I felt really good after the session & I got clarity on my questions but mostly the pain is totally gone from my ovaries for which I had been taking pain killers. I feel happy, calm & refreshed & I loved it. Gina Pearce 


That was so accurate, I didnt even realise my truth, yet Sonia completely tagged it. AMAZING. Jodie


I am so pleased with the session results, I’ve finally cleared my on again off again relationship. I really feel released & relieved. Can’t wait for our next session. Lisa D


Yep, speechless! My pain has gone. It’s true, my god, not to mention the fact that bubs slept right through for the first time. I just sat there & cried with relief. I will use all the tools & I will be back & back & back to you for my sleeping QK. We love you. Tash & Kim


Sonia you are a gift. So compassionate, clear, accurate & intuitive. You amazed me with the relevancy of what came through, you really made me believe, how could I doubt that! I’m super grateful & flying since our meeting. I’ll recommend you! Thank you xxx Deb Munro


Thank you for the energy work! I felt when it started, it was like someone was gently holding me down. There was a time before I fell asleep that I could access anything I wanted! Not so sleepy this time & I found it easier. I feel updated. Thank you. Jacqui Flindt


Through a series of synchronicities I am very grateful to have tried a session with Sonia. She is perfectly suited for this work as she is very kind, gentle, wise yet powerful. I felt safe & understood the whole time. In addition to a powerful session Sonia was incredibly accommodating with my schedule. I got some unique insights through this process & feel warm & more integrated after. I wish I lived in the area to continue working with her. I highly recommend. Tiffany Coffman 


What a reading, it just rang true, felt good in my heart. I am so comforted. You are a blessing Sonia. Jo


Thank you Sonia, I now feel supported & know where to go when my son is unwell, coughing or anxious. What a difference! I am coming back to have my turn. Tanner Cody


Thank you so much for my healing! It all made so much sense and I could feel it shifting as you spoke to me. I felt such an emotional release when I got home, happy tears, & now I feel so light & carefree. I’m just floating, at peace & on a high.  I feel so aware at the same time. Loving my deep sleeps too. Can’t wait to see you again. Jessica Cole 



I just wanted to give you some feedback, since you sent Daniel the remote work, he has really changed. He is calm, happy & easily pleased. There are so many changes, another one is that he just goes off & plays, not requiring as much attention. He is also able to look at me for longer stretches of time when I give him some instructions. He has started to eat more & I have noticed he has overcome his fear of general things e.g. bees, ants, walking on the grass. He is sleeping better also & the eczema has cleared up enough that we have been able to stop the steroids. I can’t thank you enough.  Janine, Chris & Daniel


I can’t believe how clear and light I feel. All confusion is gone. I now feel that I am on the right path, heading in the right direction. Dan


I love knowing I can call when I need a clearing for direction. How my life has turned around. I can’t thank you enough. Hug. Leonie


Amazed at her accuracy & how good I feel after each session! I was coming out of an abusive marriage & lost my son. I felt broken & I was very closed minded, definitely stuck in a victim spin. Sonia, through continued sessions, has brought forth so much light into my future. I’m so grateful for the growth, positivity, intuitive awareness. I am thrilled with my progress, its like energy surgery for a broken heart. Thank you Sonia for waking me up into my empowerment. I feel happiness again, as Sonia calls it… compound positivity!  Jess Einarson 


I am living what you said & everything has changed for the better! Brandon


Epic, soulful, clarifying. Thank you Sonia for sharing your gifts. JS


You have managed to inspire me once again, thank you, Sonia. I’m excited to get out there now, your advice was so specific, so spot on, that I just know I can do this, finally, it’s all coming together, OMG, yipeeee. Kelly


Was so great to see you again, you are incredible, as always. Thank you for sharing yourself & your gifts. You truly changed my life for the better! You’re such an inspiration, & a blessing to all that I have sent to you also. Your work is just amazing!! Thank you for helping me to follow my passion & opening me up to my path. Debra Montague


I have tried so many therapies to feel some peace & happiness, but this distance session is the only one that has ever worked for me so far.  Overnight, I’m at peace & my love for life has returned. Thank you so much. Cassie, Sorrento 


Talk about connect the dots! Illuminating! Brad G



Thank you, thank you, thank you, now lets do the kids! Jennifer, Norwood


Sonia is one of the most gifted healers I have ever met. She has experienced so many challenges in her own life which has given her the determination to help others no matter what. Whatever is happening in your life now, or has happened in the past she can unblock the emotions, and trigger the change needed for a brighter future. Nick Slavery, Brisbane 


Sonia got right to the heart of my issues. I’m so glad we met, my thinking has completely changed. Things have turned around. Thank you, you healed me. You are one of the clearest readers I have ever been to, Ill be back. Jess, UK


That was an eye-opener.  It made perfect sense. So glad I came. Meredith G


I don’t know what you did, or how you did it but I feel so much better & more able to cope. This worked way above all my expectations. I feel free & alive. My entire outlook on life has changed, I am sleeping too, bless you. Kelly, Melbourne 


Bless you Sonia! I’m a lot better today. Thank you for getting me back to where I belong. I’m feeling so much more positive about everything. Life is so much better.  Alex B, Brisbane 


Well that was amazing & remarkable. It’s so effective & convenient, perfect for me. I didn’t even need to leave the house.  Sean, Wembley 


I loved that, I’ve had 3 treatments now. It’s really helped me move forward in areas where I was stuck. I feel so uplifted. I am not able to go back to my old behaviour, even if I try! I feel happy & empowered. I am going to be able to make the changes now. Lisa Pent 


Such truth, love & light. I was such a cynic… thank you for leading me whether I liked it or not! Your no nonsense approach, whilst speaking of things so out of my comfort range was needed for me. I am so grateful. I had such frustration & anger. I understand now, I have peace & the forgiveness washes over me. Thank you for your steady methodical patience & belief in me, you are an angel. Beth Alcorn




That was so relaxing, I didn’t want the session to finish, it felt amazing. I know I will sleep like a baby tonight. I feel lighter & different, I am excited. Nicole Caiati


I can now think straight, I know what’s next.  I love the fact that the it keeps working after the session. Thank you for suggesting such a gentle technique for me, it really benefited me. I felt very supported & guided. Peace & love to you. Debbie Goudy


Thank you Sonia, I now feel supported & know where to go when my son is unwell, coughing or anxious. What a difference! I am coming back to have my turn. Tanner Cody


“You have made a wonderful profound difference in my life, there are no words.” David, Perth 


You cleared away all my noise. I’m now clearer of my direction. It has helped me tremendously with my family & my work. I feel calm, clear & overwhelm has gone. Goodbye fog, … how did that happen. Amazing.  Sasha Louise 


I can’t believe how clear and light I feel. All confusion is gone. I now feel that I am on the right path, heading in the right direction. Dan


My session has greatly increased my awareness, making it easier to do what is right for me & difficult to do what isn’t. Life has become easier. David Ashaiek


That was so cool, loved it, adore you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, so spot on & I feel inspired & clear on how to get to the bottom of it all now. So relieved! Tanner


Wow, you’re so right. Data, data, data & layer, layer, layer & BOOM. I’m speechless, there are no words, I am so grateful & feel so peaceful. Kylie B


I felt very comfortable & felt the healing start as soon as I connected with you. Somehow, during the treatment answers came to me. This is such a relief as my mind is super busy. It made me feel calm. I’m so thankful. Janice Ritchey


I had a session with Sonia & I felt totally safe in her presence to allow the deep release to happen during the session. Sonia’s essence is so calming, nurturing and gentle that I felt so at ease to be myself and to allow myself to let go.

My session was quite intense & deep, after which I felt like I am in a very deep state of relaxation. I feel so much more at ease within with myself & a lot of the constant agitation that happened around my chest & throat was gone. It felt like the emotions stored from many lifetimes ago are being released in that one session itself. So much healing happened for my lungs that breathing is becoming easier, deeper, longer & effortless. Right after the session, I noticed that the double chin that I used to have, had shrunk & my chin looks sharper. My face had transformed, it looks thinner & brighter than before. I felt like I had an energetic cosmetic surgery.

The very next day, I felt a greater sense of strength & openness that I was able to share with my family & friend about the spiritual healing work that I am doing & have total confidence that it can help each & everyone of them. I also feel a great sense of detachment of their response. Ever since then, my ability to open up to strangers about my self & my work had greatly expanded. My business is growing beautifully & so is my inner knowing! I am forever grateful to have that session with Sonia.

Thank you so much, Sonia! I so love your presence & how much of a loving & giving person you are. Your high professionalism makes me feel so at ease & I also feel great sense of fun being around you. I look forward to a deeper session with you very soon! Much love & light to you. Ma Ashni Sundaram 




If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency & vibration.

Nikola Tesla


**Disclaimer : ALL sessions in total are NOT intended to replace medical, legal or professional help, & are to be used for entertainment purposes ONLY 🤍**