Conscious Transformation Technique (CTT) works with a timeline technique.
A very effective technique for releasing blockages around emotional trauma, unwanted thoughts, emotions & behaviours.
CTT is a fast timeline hypnotic regression technique that works at the unconscious level.
How can Conscious Transformation Technique (CTT) Help?
- CTT helps you step more fully into your own empowerment by allowing you to regain emotional control over your life.
- CTT is used alongside, EFT (emotional freedom technique), NLP (neuro linguistic programming) & RT (emotional release techniques).
- CTT works at the unconscious level & releases the effects of past negative experiences & can change “inappropriate” programming.
- CTT removes limiting decisions, false limitations & can produce consistent & long-term transformations quickly & easily.
- CTT timeline techniques bring personal & professional success with more consistency & predictability. You will be able to generate empowering emotional states within yourself at will, eliminate any negative emotions, identify & change limiting beliefs.
- CTT results can occur very quickly, rather than spend years rehashing your story about past trauma. This brings desired results in a very short amount of time by going to the heart of the problem.
- CTT sifts through all the internal chatter and repressed memories, & rapidly zero’s in on the root cause.
- CTT takes you on a guided tour….Close your eyes & visualise your timeline. What direction does it point in front & behind you? Where are you located currently along your time line? Go back in time and see things from a new perspective to help you move forward today.
CTT is part of your Session (depending body read).
**Disclaimer : ALL sessions in total are NOT intended to replace medical, legal or professional help, & are to be used for entertainment purposes ONLY 🤍**