Light transmissions raise your frequency & with help clear stuck energy, raise vibration, all within the cellular structure & matrix coding.
Using sound, symbols to help the collective release for all. Environment will be protected, sacred space & energy sent for the highest alignment in their highest now.
No matter if you are asleep, awake, working, the energy will reach you no matter the time zone you reside or activity you are in. Energy knows no temporal boundaries!
Summary of a few light therapies used within your session below:
Light Transmissions (LT) are high vibrational light frequencies.
LT’s are a catalyst for deep change & harmony, upon resonance & integration.
There are numerous frequencies & many more have arrived in full strength since the equinox’s.
Humanity is slowly moving out of the old energy left-brain, intellectual mind & body mindset. Now moving into the new energy of empowerment using right-brain consciousness, aligning 3 mind energies & heart space.
Light Transmissions are designed to help you experience the pure, clear channel of light energies that can then be transmitted through you to another. LT space is held for you through the conduit of your Higher Self & I Am Presence.
LT’s healing energies can be sent to another person no matter where they are in the world. You can receive & transmit LT’s transmission as often as you wish. LT’s are released to you within your session in right timing (depending body read).
How Can Light Transmissions (LT) Help?
- LT reverses interference within your template, blueprint, & vibration;
- LT removes negativity & thought forms that keep you at a low vibration & allow the consciousness to expand its awareness;
- LT’s are from high frequency bands, & can be ancient, new, all dependant on soul receiving;
- We can now drop our karma, ascend & the LT’s are here to make this transition readily obtainable & comfortable;
- LT’s transform, transmute, align & expand energy fields, the matrix, quantum codes & lift you into source fields; &
- LT’s come through in exactly the way each requires for upgrading, restoring & work in co-operation with your higher self;
- LT’s are a catalyst for deep change & harmony, upon resonance & integration. There are numerous frequencies & many more have arrived in full strength since the equinox’s;
- LT’s raise your frequency & with help clear stuck energy, raise vibration, all within the cellular structure & matrix coding;
- LT’s move you into the new energy of empowerment, using the ways of the right-brain consciousness & heart space
- When receive LT’s, your environment will be protected, sacred space & energy sent for the highest alignment in their highest now.
- LT’s will activate, no matter if you are asleep, awake, or working. The energy will reach you no matter the time zone you reside or activity you are in. Energy knows no temporal boundaries!
When fast high vibrational energy is released into our energy fields, all that isn’t a match will rise to the surface for release. Having an adequate amount of Sessions prior a light frequency download is a comfortable way to release interference. Light Transmissions are included in your session.
Light Codes (LC) bring ease & grace to humanity.
- Light codes are energy patterns emitted by creation & within them are encoded higher realm energetic healing energy, thoughts, imprinted emotions.
As we move up in our vibration we may begin to see these light code patterns. It’s normal to see colours, neon shapes, & patterns.
How Can Light Codes (LC) Help?
- LC’s can be received by humanity from the Divine consciousness as they bypass the left brain;
- LC’s can be witnessed as shapes, colours, light language & embedded in sacred geometry symbols. Our words are our most familiar form of light codes used unconsciously today, as even words are vibratory translations of patterns, symbols & energetic codes of light, they are not necessary though;
- As we move up in our vibration we may begin to see these light code patterns. It’s normal to see colours, neon shapes, & patterns. They can look crystalline or golden;
- LC’s are aspects of the divine consciousness, sacred knowledge downloads;
- LC’s are usually repetitive in minds eye, in a series;
- LC’s are a healing modality, light language & open you for time capsule release;
- Popular well known forms of LC’s are used in Energy Healing methods e.g. Reiki, Pellowah, Gateways, & on;
- LC’s can program your fields & change the way your energy responds. LC’s repair & upgrade DNA & download consciousness activations. LC’s can be intentionally brought within through breathe with sacred geometry;
- LC’s can be downloaded through clairvoyance, clairaudience, light language, energetically & transmitted/transferred to another for support;
- There is really no rule as to how they come, many may hear ear ringing or buzzing whilst receiving also;
- There are many LC codes of light e.g. Diamond, Starlight, & Light Language to name a few;
- LC’s are Divine transmissions filled with energetic healing & running them through your body will align you to one of light, original blueprint & state of being;
- Scientists say we only use a small percentage of our DNA & the rest is filed in junk DNA. This so called junk DNA is dormant light codes, awaiting to come into our awareness once we transmute old energy, raise into a higher vibration & this allows the activation process. Through working with LC’s, we expand our awareness & allows capability for us to receive more & light.
Light Codes are included in your session (body reading dependant).
Modalities used provide in-depth body knowledge. Upon finding the imbalance & stress, we can reduce, correct & remove with sound & QF therapy.
Our biofields are arranged by our emotions, this includes surface & soul emotion. Soul emotions relate to our survival, pandora’s boxes that are usually carried through lifetimes. As we avoid re-experience of these patterns, the emotion is held in place, stagnates & causes deep trauma, repression, anger, grief etc. These layers can easily be fielded & released using QF’s.
Sessions allows required QF’s through conduit to assist in lifting the body, mind & spirit to the highest frequency potential. We can release energy blocks, limitations, resolve & release deep core issues caused by negative inner programming by connecting with our higher self through orbiting.
How Can Quantum Frequency (QF) Work Help?
- QF removes unresolved issues sitting in our energy field;
- Human beings limit their energy, psychic abilities, creativity, mental genius & physical prowess when they stay stuck, blocked & distorted within traumatic emotion blocking their natural behaviour, causing incoherent energy patterns.
- Quantum physicists have discovered the intangible laws of electro-magnetism which will change the way we practice conventional western medicine in the future. Meanwhile, many are already using this invisible energy for diagnosis & correction e.g. kinesiology, acupuncture & more;
- Our bodies are made of energetic atoms, including our tissues, cells, organs, emotions, thought patterns & water. In short, all things that produce, emit & receive energy all have their own unique electro magnetic fields. This includes allergens, viruses, bacteria & fungi. This is why through these methods we can detect, reduce & correct the imbalances that reside in our bodies & minds;
- We can read the electrical energies & frequencies via electro magnetic fields through feedback information, QF’s are used to prevent the development of further disease & or eradicate present issue. This can be done because healthy tissue responds predictably & traumatised, inflamed, degenerative tissue produces abnormal readings. Every disease has a frequency.
QF Frequencies can also be used through other methods than conduit. Methods of Rife & Scalar technology/biofeedback machines. Dr Rife, Tesla & Bruce Traino use electromyography (muscle tension) & neuro feedback (brain wave activity). QF’s can now be done in session through conduit.
- Biofeedback machines were successful with 86.5% cured of cancer & the remaining patients with additional treatment, were also cured. An astounding 100% of patients in the program cured. Dr Rife, similar to Nikola Tesla’s fate, had his research stolen & machine destroyed. Bruce Tainio (92) built another frequency monitor & discovered the healthy body frequency is 62 to 72 MHz, when this frequency drops our immune is compromised & disease develops.
- Each toxic substance depolarises the cell & distorts the negative equilibrium that exists in the cellular level.
- This leads to physical, psychological, emotional & spiritual diseases. The healthy human body is 62-78 MHZ, normal brain frequency range is 72-90MHZ, genius brain frequency is 80-82MHZ.
- A diseased body starts at 58MHz, colds & flu start at 57-60MHz. We are receptive to Epstein Barr at 52MHz & to cancer at 42MHz. Death begins at 25MHz.
- Pollutants lower healthy body frequency, processed & canned foods tend to have a frequency of zero. Fresh produce has up to 15MHz, dried herbs are 12-22MHZ & fresh herbs are 20-27 MHZ.
Ketheric Energy can be used for the treatment of any condition or issue.
We are source energy, born from light into different densities. At each level & reality, we have access to different gifts & aspects.We are living in the time of empowerment, restoration, & elevation.
We are currently moving into creator ability, manifesting at will, refining, releasing density, revealing inner self & our light.
The Causal Body has limitless potential & serves your highest level of expansion, growth & light. Growth experiences leave energetic markers within the Causal body. Over time, through action, experience, density, it distorts, changes energy & misaligns the causal.
Causal body alignment allows new currents to flow into the body to awaken sleep cells, regenerate, modify genome & hence transform. Also erases, resets & restores your cellular structure. All misaligned patterns are removed, template returns to its original state.
How Can Ketheric Work (KW) Help?
- KW works through source energy to renew, restore & re-align your source link. This link always remains intact & can re-establish easily through a simple Ketheric Energy download which acts as your bridge between source & receiver.
- KW restores & dissolves all by returning it to the light;
- KW increases your ability to hold light;
- KW magnifies your radiance, your inner light becomes outer light;
- Your inner light, becomes outer light, & radiance magnified;
- KW field light creates inner & outer balance;
- Once the KW energy is downloaded, Source energy opens up, this fast energy brings speedy results & rapid transformations.
- KW draws Source energy to recalibrate geometries, templates, regenerates & renews your physical body; &
- KW updates, aligns & connects with higher self & dimensional fields.
Ketheric Energy included in your Session (body reading depending).
All can receive Gateway Transmissions through QK session.
They are here for those who are ready to step into your highest now timeline.
It is the Divine highest intention for all souls to receive the Gateway Transmissions.
The Gateway grid, when used, opens portals & downloads frequencies & attunements we require. This changes the essence of our being & aligns our life purpose.
They’re pulled from beyond earth’s energy matrix & transmitted by divine beings to relieve our aura & transmute inner darkness into light with ease.
When we introduce a faster & higher energy vibration into our field, anything that isn’t a match will rise to the surface to be released. Upon allowing the Gateway you will be moved into higher levels of consciousness.
Releasing interference patterns through your session preparation prior your Gateway download is best. This brings comfort to the process & avoids quantum headaches or landing in bed to sleep off & integrate session.
In summary, each cell has a parallel cell . GT energy is fed into the parallel cell creating a vacuum that pulls all negativity out of original cell. This allows new codes within the cell (vibration upgrade).
All aligned to receive the upgrades will be guided to find their way to the necessary attunements. There’s no race, competition, it follows a natural order.
Instantaneous transmutations shall occur for some, others will choose the longer path, each according to their souls inclination, some will spontaneously shift into the new consciousness. Simply having a headstart will allow more divine ease & flow into the change.
Gateways are divine frequencies that reset, re-awaken, activate & upgrade DNA framework & templates.
Molecular changes within cell matrix renew, repair & regenerate. This fast frequency range brings synchronicity, abundance & wellbeing. The Gateway energy works through quantum entanglement.
Abundance is our birthright, prosperity is the norm for multidimensional living, all manifests for our good spontaneously, hearts desires are fulfilled easily without strife.
To access this energy matrix we first need to shift our matrix to a new resonance & become an energy match. This requires light frequencies (new code introduction).
When in harmony with the lifestream, intentions manifest easily & quickly as there is co-creation & flow (no resistance).
Gateways bring back full functioning through programs of light. Great things are possible in the alignment with source.
New System
Align to clear your energy fields. Purposeful aligning through adding light codes to our energy matrix is faster, & yields results quicker.
Old system
Clear in order to come into alignment with your Highest Light. Clearing heavy dense energy (dross) first pulls us down, lowers our vibration, enmeshes us in energy density, like quicksand & difficult to extricate from. Why, our focused attention is on the problem, rather than the solution!
How can Gateway Transmissions (GT) Help?
- GT systems are part of the DNA reverse program, designed to dissolve & balance negative programs & genetic modifications & returning to our state of empowerment.
- Multidimensional light frequencies & source plasma can be collectively transmitted to anyone who chooses to receive them.
- GT energy is unique as it caters for everyone, regardless of their level of spiritual growth. Designed to firstly establish the Light Matrix of the Crystalline, Diamond & ultimately the Solar.
- The codes of slower density need to be erased, & replaced with those of a faster vibration, this contributes to the rewriting of our DNA. Moving us into our Higher Self expression, lifting our vibration higher & higher. GT Energy automatically continues due to intergalactic codons that clear blocks in our energy matrix, then set about repairing, renewing & upgrading our DNA, bringing higher resonance with Light. It rewires our brains, & mental consciousness interface.
- GT resists lower denser frequencies broadcasted around us. Shifts vibration & expands our consciousness threshold, leaving behind dark dense vibrations. We align ourselves with the new energy, new genetic matrix & move out of the old worn out matrix & redundant programming.
- In receiving GT, it allows you to be a transferor of the GT light helping others shift out of heavy density into higher octaves of light. When GT energy reaches a critical mass point, mass consciousness will transform! Releasing world control systems.
It is important to keep our vibrations as high as we can!
GT is a way of ease to do this. GT allows more expanded consciousness, keeps vibration high, entering light body expression, as each elevates…… this assists the whole of humanity. GT’s also:
- Transform & update existing codes, cellular structure, thought forms & body scripts;
- Bring health, peace, wellbeing & the photonics light absorption we require to repair & redirect misaligned thought patterns, habits, & negativity;
- Are spiritual building blocks that raise you out of all timelines of density & back to light;
- Dissolve old ways, paradigms & make way for the Law of Love, foundation of all existence;
- Release stuck energy & 3D reactionary behaviour which lowers our consciousness e.g. judgement, conflict, habit, old beliefs, tenacity & fear reactions that create repetitive negativity.
- Expand & release us into our highest, fastest vibration with oneness. Gateway Transmissions work with all systems & modalities.
- Brings the new galactic DNA that expands consciousness & restores the energy matrix to original blueprint (& additional code). It is a multidimensional upgrade & an inevitable shift to the new reality.
- Allow more light into your cells, replace programs, create structural change (geometrical templates) & upgrade frequency through light imprinting.
- Balance 3D desires of not feeling good enough, judging self, wanting recognition, acceptance, striving to conform, have excess material things, concern of others gossip & acknowledgment, belief in struggle & on… all will diminish.
- Establish our crystalline, diamond & solar light matrix & allow our energy to flow quickly. They bring new frequency fields to release our focus on mundane survival aspects, free time, release struggle, limitation & lack paradigm.
- Expand consciousness, reverse downgraded genetic modifications, rewire brain, change thought, habit & align to divine harmony. All stagnant energy calls for this transmission to realign & dissolve dross.
- Allow connectivity, they evolve, release simplistic consciousness, awaken potential & set you upon a new course entirely.
Gateway Transmission Systems are part of your Session (depending body read).
Pellowah is a simple, powerful & effective energy treatment.
Pellowah leaves you with a feeling of inner strength & well-being that lasts. In fact, it gets stronger as time goes by.
In Short…. Pellowah produces a radical shift in consciousness, unblocks & realigns all meridians & chakras within the body, connects all 12 strands of DNA, affects the root cause & brings positive lasting change.
Source plasma energy healing that unblocks & realigns meridians & chakras, connects all 12 strands of DNA & in short produces a radical shift in consciousness.
How can Pellowah Help?
- Pellowah is a descriptive word (angelic) for “radical shift in consciousness”.
- Pellowah connects all 12 strands of DNA ready for activation. Each strand of DNA stores a particular string of knowledge. As we evolve, connect & activate these strands, we can access our hidden knowledge, this expands the way we act, see & interact. We then have access to everything within us, nothing is hidden, we have unlimited potential & our world changes.
- Pellowah unblocks & realigns all meridians within the body giving a feeling of connections and well-being. As the name suggests, it also results in a radical shift in consciousness.
- Pellowah provides a feeling of well-being the seems to last and in fact it will get stronger as time goes by. This is because the healing happens from the inside out. In many other forms of healing, subsequent results of the change & growth can be cathartic as old frameworks are broken down to create new ones. This is not the case with Pellowah. The growth & change brought about by Pellowah helps build on old frameworks without the trauma.
- Pellowah brings new perspective, therefore making better choices. Pellowah expands consciousness, through this form of healing the client becomes less involved in drama & other people’s lives.
- Pellowah energy changes YOU & the “new you” becomes the normal. Pellowah activates you so you generate & create the light from within. There will be a constant source of replenishment which is not reliant on outside influence.
- Pellowah is administered through distance. It can be used to heal those who are overseas/interstate, hospital bound or in a wheelchair etc. Also wonderful for newborns, children, & pets.
- Pellowah is simple powerful and effective -increasing the capacity for positive change in your life. You may have found yourself at cross-roads or simply are searching for a better more fulfilling life.Each treatment is a totally unique experience.
- Pellowah is a distance modality, healing vibration is not limited by distance.
- Pellowah is truly restful, clients will very often feel relaxed or fall asleep during their distance session. All have a unique experience, you may feel nothing or you may feel much. Either way the healing will be the same. You may feel heavy, dream vividly, limbs may move, feel tingling, energy flow, lightness, lights or colours appearing, floating sensation, rumbling stomach, muscle twitching etc. None, some & all of these things are common. Regardless of what you physically feel, the Pellowah energy will be working.
- Pellowah is often a deeply relaxing experience for those who have busy minds & feel over-stimulated. This type of treatment gives clarity & often a client will receive an answer to their question or find a path forward within a short time after the session.
- Pellowah is a very powerful healing modality, works beautifully with everyone. Wonderful for children of all ages, the elderly, the busy & those in hospital or in remote places. The permission of the person being healed must be given or healing will not transfer (children under 12 will need parent permission).
- Pellowah attracts those when the timing is right. When they are going through change, making big choices, at a crossroads or uncertain as to how to move forward with their life. A client may come for this treatment again prior to their next crossroad. Many simply for their own spiritual development.
- Pellowah is a fast track healing to parts & pieces that require balance at that time. The vibration of wellbeing can come through instantly. The trick to wellness is focussing on how we want to be rather than on where we are or how we are. Instead we can allow what is right rather than heal that is wrong. We can allow the wellness rather than get rid of the illness.
- Pellowah works on a physical, mental & spiritual level. Sometimes it may choose to work on your that other than your physical first, so Pellowah is not always physically felt. Pellowah is about the ultimate result of the session, not the sensations during, as enjoyable as they may be.
- Pellowah expands your awareness, which enables you to make higher choices with more certainly. You automatically begin to take the necessary steps to fulfil your goals with more energy, enthusiasm & purpose.
- Pellowah is particularly effective on deep emotional issues, which may be a contributing cause of physical ailments. Many who have suffered anxiety & depression for as long as they recall, & who had no sense of direction or purpose in their lives, are now living their lives much more fully, & are feeling totally inspired.
- Pellowah brings well-being & clarity into your every day life. It neutralises negative energy, increases personal power & merges the physical, spiritual & emotional bodies.
- Pellowah is an expansive treatment. It gives people a feeling of being less attached, more empowered, along with a greater sense of inner confidence & strength. There is a feeling of renewed flow, centredness, peace & a realisation that all things are possible.
- Pellowah results are astounding & different for all. To name a few … clarity, inner peace, calm, inner strength, confidence, intuition, empowerment, increases personal capacity for positive change, enables clear guidance, gives a sense of well-being that increases over time, new & expanded perception & objectiveness, overcomes blocks of fear, self-doubt, anxiety & depression & more …
- Pellowah treatment continues to work in your system for 24 hours at the same capacity therefore in order to obtain the best results it is advisable to rest up a little & drink water.
- Pellowah is a form of healing that can be done more than once.
- Pellowah is between the client & source only. There are no clogged pipes due to interruption of the thought, analysis & conscious problem solving, therefore no resistance.
- Pellowah is 100% pure & not filtered through the practitioner. It is direct energy between the person receiving the healing & source. To ensure your treatment remains as your own experience, it is best that external input, interpretation, diagnosis or feedback is not entered into directly after your healing.
Pellowah included in your Session (body reading depending).
Divine Clearings (DC) release all that is not in your highest good from your space, self or loved one. Its time for all to release baggage & step into realisation.
In Summary…Divine clearings work through your session with conduit, surrogacy, higher self & source energy.
Sessions clear all required & all can be done through one inhabitant of the home. Upon completion, use sage, transmuting & sovereignty to keep your home, workplace & self energetically clean.
A Divine Clearings is a simple process, a normal event, source led & all will be brought back into alignment swiftly.
How can Divine Clearings (DC) Help?
- DC’s work through, dissolve & balance.
- DC work is sovereign;
- DC process utilises the energy of your higher self, guides, angelics & on. DC works on all levels (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual & on).
- Most of the DC work takes place on another dimension, there is no need for you to be awake, aware or involved.
- There is no discomfort, usually, you will not even be aware of what is being done on your behalf. Some people report feeling physical sensations such as pressure, heat, lightness or a jerking movement;
- DC’s can remove, in entirety, all attached to our physical self, family, friends, & others. We can do this with the positive staying in place;
- DC’s simply release of the bumps in your life created through bad habits, genome, DNA, learned behaviour, emotion, beliefs, paradigms, filters, misunderstanding & non-allowance of source in our life;
- DC’s helps you kick habitual patterns, addictions, behavioural issues that keep you down, in a spin, in groundhog day…no matter what you do. It’s next to impossible to turn your thoughts in a positive direction if you’ve got one or more attachments, entities within;
- DC’s balance, dissolve & release attachments, cords, discarnates, karma, portals, contracts, vows, seals, implants, blocks, timelines, fear, confusion, thought forms, etheric negativity, elementals, entities, overlays, strand helix upgrades, addictions, sovereignty, soul loss & on;
- DC’s seeps into the cellular structure, allowing the youth process; &
- DC’s allow balance & release who you think you were & are. Transmute daily & allow the new energy. We can choose to release carrying old energy, wallowing in drama.
- DC’s clear your space, home. Creating a peaceful home, place of sleep to bring balanced wellbeing. Helpful for families with children, as usually children are more sensitive & affected by energy in the home. DC’s clear homes that have the occupants excessively drained, tired, have trouble sleeping, may feel some rooms are cold or heavy in certain areas, & on.
- DC’s are helpful upon moving into a new home or selling one.
- DC’s clear & benefit your business space, creating a balanced environment, in both efficiency, energetically allowing clientele, & uplifting productivity & staff morale when negativity is removed;
- DC work can quickly find & align many things that can bring your home, work or business space out of alignment, a few being EMF’s, geopathic stress, clutter, unresolved physical, emotional & mental issues, spiritual & etheric negativity, cording, discarnates, entities, indigenous burial sites, portals, etc. It’s good to overlight the land, ground & inhabitants also.
During a divine clearing, only love, light & peace are transferred to you. Upon freeing interference influence, it’s easier to raise your vibrational frequency.
- After your DC you feel lighter, no matter your feelings, response or lack of, this work continues to occur after your session.
- Drink plenty of pure water & be easy with yourself after DC’s energetic assistance, Your body will simply release remaining toxicity, energetic debris & shift at a pace that is beneficial for you;
- It’s for your highest good to release from being bombarded with the TV, radio, internet, movies, netflick’s & on after your session
- This work is not a passive process. Pay close attention, if you notice any negative thought, simply intervene & transmute. This brings immediate positive direction.
- Occasionally, after a session you may experience tiredness due to energetic shifts. Some may experience emotion, relief, release (tears) – or – extreme joy, increased vivid dream activity, changes in your body & on. Reactions are transient, last only a few seconds, minutes, hours or days – integration depending. If this occurs, & after it subsides, you may experience a renewed sense of balance, energy & health. Most have absolutely no side effects whatsoever;
- It is recommended to sage your home & know all is well :- )
Place your order & ask for a benevolent outcome of your situation. When we allow & feel deserving, we can awaken & balance, it’s our birthright. Each individual is unique in terms of the awakening process. Divine Clearing are used in your session (depending body read).
**Disclaimer : ALL sessions in total are NOT intended to replace medical, legal or professional help, & are to be used for entertainment purposes ONLY 🤍**