Quantum Work

CLARITY Centre QLD | What is Quantum Work? 

Quantum Kinesiology

When general life & the law of attraction is not working positively, we simply need to find & release interference & sabotage programs.

Once we begin releasing our interference, we begin to rise out of programs & have a conscious choice of our path forward.

On our journey, we experience powerful emotion, trauma, pain, tension (all interference) which results in dense energy & can fracture the soul.
A fractured soul leaves parts behind that cannot move into the light.
These soul fragments need re-integration, so we can again feel whole & operate from empowerment.

Due to the dense energy, karma, attachments, old processing, we hold a lower vibration & this brings an experience of yo-yo’ ing, in & out of our knowing into high emotional charged experiences.

Once we drop our interference, fear of enlightenment & begin to surrender, we begin our journey of self-trust.

QK brings in allowance & self-forgiveness, due to seeing & understanding that we could not have acted differently whilst running sabotage programs.

Allowing upgrades to our electrical fields, cellular structure, DNA codes & solidly bridge our connection to our higher self & source.

We can then bring alignment by downloading high-frequency light codes into our energy matrix.

Once we lift our frequency, we become a higher vibrational match to our desire. All can activate within & shift us into elevated consciousness, heightened states of awareness & bring new paradigms.

We then reach an enlightened state of being & come into peace, joy, the wind at our back, no matter what is happening around us. This is perfectly achievable for all, not extraordinary but ordinary, it’s ours for the having, should we choose.

The good news is with QK there is no need to have a complete understanding or belief to benefit from this process.

This is all incorporated within your Quantum Kinesiology session.




**Disclaimer : ALL sessions in total are NOT intended to replace medical, legal or professional help, & are to be used for entertainment purposes ONLY 🤍**